Members Profiles

Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1

Come in and meet some of your fellow Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1 Brothers.

Through the “Members Profile” pages, Ruger Camp #1 members and guests can view general information about our fellow Ruger Camp #1 Brothers. Individual profiles can be viewed by clicking on a Brother’s name in the right hand column.

Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1, Officers and Staff encourage all Camp Brothers to participation. All profiles are submitted and posted on a voluntary basis.

To assist you in writing a personal profile for submission, we offer these ideas on a profile's contents.

The profile should be concise, telling the reader a little about the Brother and his history, specific to their participation in Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

·        Date and Place of Birth
·        Civil War Ancestral Information
·        Date Joined the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
·        Membership in Departments and Camp(s)
·        Present and Past Positions Held
·        Significant Activities
·        Awards and Recognition
·        Membership in Similar/Allied Organizations

You can personalize your profile page with a waist/shoulder photograph of your choosing. We recommend you wear your SUVCW blazer or equally appropriate attire. 

If you wish, arrangements can be made to have the Signals Officer take a profile picture during a future Ruger Camp #1 function.

Submit your profile to the Ruger Camp #1 Signals Officer.
Brother Jim Johnson